Sunless Tanning Reviews And The Comfort Side Of Them

By Haywood Hunter

The skin is said to be the largest organ in the human body. People like to try out many things and see what the end results would be. One of them is how would one look like is they made their skins look a little bit dark and glowing? That is where self tanning comes about but we all know how human beings are impatient but creative, sunless tanning method had to be invented.It is therefore vital to look closely at sunless tanning reviews and its response to customers.

Sunless tanning is a process in which lotions or chemicals are applied to skin so that they can have a darkening effect similar to the sun tan. Pills can also be used instead of lotions or other chemicals.

One may wonder why would someone want to change their skin color to be a little darker, is it a bad thing to be light? While the answer is no, to some dark skin is attractive especially for models and many celebrities. While others, interestingly do it for fun maybe because a particular celebrity looks cool so they copy them.

Sprays, chemicals, pills and lotions are some of the sunless ways used to tan the skin. Sprays are however, harmful because they can be inhaled so care has to be taken when using them. Pills and chemicals also have their negative effects and cause serious health problems to the users so before using any of them it is advisable to visit a dermatologist before using them.

The advantage of using sprays as a way of tanning the skin color is that u can put it anytime, any day and remove it once you are done. Models to use it to prevent sunburns and for commercial purposes to attract the intended clientele. The problem with sprays is that it can be inhaled causing serious health problems and worse even death because it contains a chemical substance known as DHA.

Everything good has to have a good and bad side of it. The bad thing about using spray though convenient is that the chemical can be inhaled causing problems to the lungs and might eventually lead to death or life long illness. Lotions can react to someone skin and eve pills. My advice is before using any of these products one should consult with a dermatologist to know what is good to use for your skin type.

This method of tanning the skin is a bit costly to some but it a quicker and easier way than sun bathing. It is also convenient over a short time, for example if models have a runway show, they can use the spray tanner or if there is a commercial that that to be aired for only a short time.

Sun bathing is also harmful; one runs the risk of getting skin cancer, sunburns, wrinkles, due to the ultra violet rays. Who would want to have these effects? And also during winter one may also result to tanning beds which is really tiring and time consuming. That is why many people consider self tanners as a better option. It is no wonder that people nowadays appreciate dark models and actors and have decided to embrace skin and the market is growing day by day, it is seen as a way of ending racism and that dark skin is indeed very beautiful.

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